What a week. Let's start with thanks.
After five days without power (more for some) and some very uncertain hours as we plunged into the darkness Wednesday with the realization of the damage to our Alabama communities just beginning to unfold, I want to thank the following groups and individuals for making our world less uncertain: WHNT for their coverage, WDRM and WZYP for theirs, and Dan Satterfield our weather hero. There are so many others who have helped it's hard to know where to start but these people were our source for information. Particularly true for WDRM and WZYP, as my weather radio was my only source for info when AT & T cell phone coverage went down almost completely, as well as my AT & T land line. Can't thank these guys enough. Also a huge thank you to Publix on the corner of Whitesburg and Airport Road. Those guys stayed open pretty much the whole time, with hours of sleep lost and many many difficult hours on the job. We had what we needed, thanks to the good folks there.
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