For beginners: Important things to know.

For beginners:  A note is a musical sound.  A chord is three or more notes played at the same time.   An arpeggio is the notes of a chord payed one at a time.   You will need to practice and learn notes, chords, scales and arpeggios to play music well.

Instruments and/or voices playing different notes can also create chords.   We will learn to play chords on guitar by making notes.   We make notes by placing our fingers on the strings and pressing them down onto the frets with just enough pressure to keep the string on the fret and not have any buzzing sounds. 

Notes have pitch, tonal quality and duration.  Pitch is the relative highness or lowness of the note.  Tonal quality, or timbre (pronounced "tamber") is the type of sound the note makes.  Notes of the same pitch can have different timbre.  Different instruments can play the same pitch but they will have different timbre.  Our wound strings on our guitars can play notes that have the same pitch as notes on the unwound strings but these will have different timbre.

The thinner the string, the higher the pitch of the note.  The thicker the string, the lower the note unless the string is tightened or loosened enough.

The tighter the string the higher the pitch of the note, the looser the string the lower the pitch of the note.

The shorter the string the higher the pitch of the note, the longer the string the lower the pitch of the note, unless the string is thin/thick enough or tight/loose enough.

Guitars can play notes by themselves or combined with other notes.  Pianos can also do this, but instruments like trumpets cannot.


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